"Everyone has a story to tell. There’s a reason why they are the way they are. So, before you start talking, please look in me, in my eyes of words, where I pour everything that crippling up inside my only heart that still beating alive. There will be some connections between our lines where we could meet up at some point, understand each other. Spread the love that once we had. Stay safe & stay alive."


0024 a.m. - 17 May 2015

You're good at advising.
But you are not apply any of it

Revelry hate wickedness.
But soaring heart wants to do.

Just want to be respected
by those that not important.

Ostensibly, 'you' is the best.
'You' is a filial.
'You' is pure from sin.

Why is this?
questioning my faith.

Where is the real you?
Why should be anyone else?

Just because, 
I know the fact that I am not good enough, 
I am not pious enough,
I am not pretty enough,
I am not a good daughter,
I am not a good sister,
I am not a good friend,
I am nothing.

and I know that I hate myself more than anyone could.

I know I wasn't a good person at all, I am a hypocrite and I am sorry for being so. {Roses:2}

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